Cruise Ship Crew...A Family Away From Home

Crew Onboard a Ship
Crew Onboard a Ship

You can choose your friends, but not your family…a saying most of us can relate to. Unfortunately for me, after spending almost six years of my life at sea it appears most of my closest friends are either still in the middle of the ocean or retired on the other side of the world. However, luckily a long distance friendship can now survive solely on modern day technology.

I love reading the customer reviews we receive here at Iglu and one thing that comes up in almost every one of them is how great the crew were on their recent cruise and how they have made lasting friendships.

It is not easy working on a cruise ship, although all of the positives make it the experience of a lifetime. Making friends with guests and ensuring they have the holiday of a lifetime is one of the most rewarding feelings and a way of establishing repeat custom. Of all the thousands of crew working around the clock to ensure everything is as you expected, I wanted to highlight those likely to become a member of your cruise family:

The Captain

The one in charge, everyone wants to meet the Captain. The most powerful person onboard, the ship is his pride, life and soul.

With insane amounts of responsibility on his shoulders, and I don’t just mean the gold stripes, he has spent his whole life training to be placed in the Captain’s seat. From the safety, security, quality and maintenance of the ship, he is the ultimate decision maker.

When not on the bridge, you may be lucky enough to catch him strolling passenger areas socialising with guests, particularly on formal night.

Aka: The man with the stripes, Commodore, Ship’s Manager, One in charge

Where you will find him: On the bridge

Uniform: White jacket and lots of stripes on his shoulder

Guest Services Officer

The guys with the strongest back bone, they keep a smile on their face through anything. Spending each day making sure every guest is having the time of their life, they are the ones to go to if something is not of satisfaction.

Immaculately dressed and carrying an infectious smile they have an amazing talent to be able to turn any issue into a positive situation. They are also the ones with all the knowledge, like a human ship guide they can answer any question.

Upon having any encounter with a Guest Services Officer they will instantly become a friendly face you will want to connect with again.

Aka: Front Desk Staff, Reception, Customer Service Staff

Where you will find them: At the front desk

Uniform: Formal uniform, normally a shirt and blazer.

Cabin Attendant

Oh this guy! The invisible one that makes your cabin look immaculate every single time you enter your room.

Often one of the most complimented crew members of a cruise they can truly make a remarkable impact on your cruise experience. This is the one person that will become your best friend for the week and the one you are likely to always remember.

Appearing to have little rest they are there around the clock, fresh and friendly faced. Asking about your day, telling you about their life, leaving small treats in your room and ensuring you have all the correct things sent to your room makes them more than 'just the guy that cleans your room'.

Aka: Room Attendant, Housekeeper, Steward

Where you will find them: In the hallway around your cabin

Uniform: Differs with cruise line but typically a casual-style shirt during the day and a more formal uniform in the evenings.

Your Waiter

From the very first meal you have in the dining room, your incredible wait staff will miraculously remember your every requirement and request. Even after all the cruises I have been on, this still amazes me.

Having to take care of multiple tables at one time would make you think there would a loss in a personalised service, but this could not be further from the truth, they make every meal time a memorable one.

If you are unsure of an option on the menu, they will thoroughly explain it as well as give you tips on what condiments to accompany certain dishes. It also doesn’t take much for them to bring out a second serving of your favourite food!

Aka: Wait Staff, Waitress, Dining Staff, Food Crew

Where you will find them: In the dining room

Uniform: Waistcoats with notepad and pencil constantly in hand

The Cruise Director

The one who loves to be centre of attention, although that is part of his job! The Cruise Director is the rock behind the ship’s entertainment.

With a wit quicker than a F1 car, he is a perfect combination of joker and professional showman. He is in this position due to their passion for entertaining and understanding the audience. Often working in show business for years, a cruise ship is where he truly finds himself.

In charge of all onboard entertainment and activities, when they are not hosting on stage they are designing schedules and preparing new activities. They also love to meet guests and are often found wandering the ship interacting with holiday-makers.

Aka: Showman, Entertainment Manager, Presenter

Where you will find him: On stage

Uniform: Casual in the day and suit at night

Bar Staff

Another crew member with an unbelievable memory, from one encounter your name and favourite drink will be remembered…amazing.

Whether you like a certain spirit, a favourite cocktail or want to try something new the bar staff on a cruise know everything there is to know about drink. With an extensive range of juices, spirits, wines and mixers onboard it is the perfect time to try something new.

The bar staff in a certain venue can enhance the experience and you will often find yourself going back to the same bar every night of the cruise to be served by your favourite barman.

Aka: Barman, Cocktail Maker

Where you will find them: Behind the bar

Uniform: Typically a Caribbean shirt in the day and smart uniform in the evening

Activity Staff and Sports Staff

Whether you want to join in all activities, attempt just one or simply watch people make a fool of themselves, the activity staff ensure you have fun no matter what.

The guys you always see running around, making jokes with guests and dressed in casual uniform are the ones who will keep you entertained throughout your cruise. They have the power to make absolutely anyone smile.

From trivia, game shows, crafts and sports, they are in charge of making sure there is always something for you to do. Making friends with a member of the activity staff is sure to happen as you will find yourself bumping into them time and time again.

Aka: Cruise staff, Entertainment Crew, Blue Shirts

Where you will find them: All around the ship

Uniform: Casual dress during the day, normally a t-shirt and shorts. Formal attire in the evening.